Satsang Moon cover


MAHAPARINIRVANA DIWAS( Osho’s father’s leaving the body and Enlightenment Day)

“Mahaparinirvan Diwas hai aaya,

Shubh sumadhur sandesh bhi laaya,

Sambhawna to sabki hai yeh,

Agar chah or lagan ho dil main´´

This Mahaparinirvana Day has brought

A promising and auspicious message.

This is possible for everyone,

If there is an intense desire and will to make the effort.

Today on this very Special Day I feel very happy to announce my new CD „Raga Time“ – Rainbow Ragas for OSHO. I have chosen 7 Ragas in this CD for their meditative quality. I hope to release it on Osho’s Birthday the 11th December 2017.

Also on this special day I would like to share the information about my 2 new CDs “Satsang Moon´´ and “Over the Moon´´, both dedicated to Osho. They can be downloaded from the following link by clicking on the cover of the CDs.

iTunes Store

For more info about my music and other Cds and to listen to Sample Music please go to my website : and click on

“Music CDs for for Meditation and Relaxation´´